
    Multi-functional curriculum, all-round development

    Human intelligence is not a single ability, but consists of a variety of abilities, including: language intelligence, logical thinking intelligence, spatial intelligence, limb operation intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspection intelligence, and natural exploration intelligence.

    Reking BabyThe multi-ability course is the most comprehensive course in the implementation of Multi-Intelligence education for infants and young children. Through physical activities, hearing and speaking activities, exploratory activities, and creative activities, the eight talents of the baby are fully explored and the comprehensive development of the baby is promoted.

    Parents and children interact to build a bond of happiness

    Reking BabyInternational early education in the curriculum to enhance parent-child classroom interaction between parents and children. At the same time, Reking Baby has also set up a "parenting school" for parents on a regular basis to establish a good parent-child interaction opportunity for parents and children.


    rekingbaby--定版_62.jpgNURSERYrekingbaby--定版_57.jpgPARENT-CHILD EARLY EDUCATIONrekingbaby--定版_59.jpgKINDERGARTEN
    Pluralistic functionAge educationSmall class teaching

    Rekingbaby International Education headquarters

    ADD:Foshan, Guangdong, China



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