1, small sportsman: sports potential class(15-24 months)

Fully meet the children's internal needs, give them the opportunity to exercise, so that sports skills mature, at the same time develop the child's sense of order and focus, visual-sports integration.

2, small language: language potential class(19-26 months)

Through creative games, activities to enhance the baby's language expression, social interaction ability, and thus stimulate the baby's language talent.

3, a small life home: preparation for the promotion class(27-36 months)

Pay attention to logical thinking, children's emotional development, self-care ability training, through activities with peers to develop physical fitness, help the baby to learn the thinking ability and social skills that play a key role in social life, for the baby's future collective life.


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Pluralistic functionAge educationSmall class teaching

Rekingbaby International Education headquarters

ADD:Foshan, Guangdong, China



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