1, Beibeiban(3 to 9 months)

The goal of this stage of baby care service is not only to develop big movements and fine movements, but also to cultivate language and cognitive exploration capabilities, so that the baby can slowly explore the world of environmental perception through its own body.

2, Star class(10 to 18 months)

Babies of this age have been able to coordinate their limbs and crawl smoothly on the ground, but some babies also have other modes of movement, such as sitting forward and moving their bodies back, and some babies can stand with support for a few minutes. Some babies who are close to one year old can already move forward step by step with the help of adults or supports. This stage focuses on cultivating fine movements, language development, emotional management, and self-care, so that the baby can make a big leap from crawling to independent walking.


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Pluralistic functionAge educationSmall class teaching

Rekingbaby International Education headquarters

ADD:Foshan, Guangdong, China



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