"Rui Qi Da Li Xing Zhi Cheng" Rui Xing Beibei Da Lek Center Opening Ceremony is a complete success

Author:rekingbaby  Date:2018-10-21  From:Rekingbaby  Hits:1202


On October 21, 2018, the Ruixing Beibei Daliu Center ushered in a long-awaited opening ceremony.

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After months of careful design, the Ruixing Beibei Drain Center finally unveiled the mysterious veil, today's grand debut! This is a concept space for early education designed specifically from the perspective of children. It fully takes into account the needs of children's psychology and children's entire Wei space, and integrates amusement, sports, puzzle, and fitness into a new generation of children's activity centers. Put the baby in a safe and secure education in the warm environment, we are committed to happy, interesting, children like the way to cultivate their creativity, I hope every child here can be happy, happy growth!


The opening dance brought by the young and beautiful instructor kicked off the celebration.


The "Joy" brought by the cute and cute children to the activities of the Bank shocked the audience.


The investor of the RekingBaby Dalik Center made a speech on behalf of Chen, because he loved education and had been engaged in education for 20 years. He realized the importance of early education for children's lives and hoped to continue this loving cause.


The wonderful lion dance began. The lion danced vividly and interestingly. With the sound of gongs and drums, it attracted the residents around. Everyone took a serious look at this traditional art treasure. From time to time, warm applause came from time to time.


The grand ribbon-cutting ceremony: the gong and drum of the sky, the dancing Lion, accompanied by the flying ceremony flowers, announced the official establishment of the Ruixing Beibei Daliu Center, with a large amount of sun, but also implies the Ruixing Beibei Daliu Center red fire, money rolling, open! Bring more professional early education to every family and baby nearby!


The colorful classroom activities, live music sky, parent-child interactive games, so that parents and baby spent a happy parent-child time together, successful in more than 2 game links can also get a beautiful gift.


In the exciting report breaking golden egg raffle link, many parents have won the opening discount quota for baby, send an education gift for baby, professional study let baby grow better, let us accompany baby's healthy growth together! Among the parents who reported classes, many parents compared and inspected a number of childcare institutions, and finally decisively chose Ruixing Beibei.


The opening ceremony was a complete success! Thanks to the support and blessings of people from all walks of life, and thanks to the parents for their participation and recognition. At the same time, we also thank the teachers for their hard work and hard support and support from the headquarters to make this opening event a success. Finally, I wish the RekingBaby Great Lek Center more brilliant tomorrow, performance Changhong! Sincerely wish all the baby healthy and happy growth, wish every family happiness and well-being, good luck!


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Pluralistic functionAge educationSmall class teaching

Rekingbaby International Education headquarters

ADD:Foshan, Guangdong, China



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